Beginner’s Guide To ASO (App Store Optimization)

Beginner’s Guide To ASO (App Store Optimization)

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Approx 2.8 million Google Play apps & 2.2 million applications in the Apple App Store are available in March 2020. It’s becoming harder and harder to distinguish your app with so much competition out there. This guide describes which sectors to concentrate on and how to optimize each move to boost the discovery, installation, and rating of your app. This guidance is available for downloads.

The most cost-efficient approach for installing software is to automate the app store. The aim is to increase your user discovery chance by searching for an app store to improve your downloads and to increase the charts for your product. It consists of several tactics. It’s SEO for mobile apps in principle.

It is a balanced act that calls for trials and mistakes to find the right formula for your application to increase your app’s search results. Even if you are new to the ASO world and don’t have a budget to spend, you can improve your app downloads in a matter of days if you know what to focus on.

App Keywords

About ASO, “keyword research” is the first thing that is in mind. ASO is designed to pop up your app when users search in the app store for specific keywords. Therefore you need to investigate all the keywords that people search for and use on your product page.


A study has revealed that 63 percent of users who download and use applications do so by searching and browsing the application store, so keywords play a crucial role in getting more downloads.

Keyword research cannot be picked only to find the most traffic keywords. Some high-traffic keywords, like “game” and “free,” have thousands of applications competing, including well-established applications with millions of downloads and hundreds of reviewed applications, making it more difficult for new applications to compete. Your job is, therefore, to identify keywords that are most relevant in your app and terms of traffic balance and competition difficulty.

You can research your keyword and also use tools to help you classify your app. A digital marketing company can help you find keywords.

App Market Research

Possibly you did so earlier, but market research for ASO is crucial. You have to know how and what the target market wants. In-app marketing, you must also know who your competitors are and what they are doing so that you can find a way to stand out.

App Icon

In most cases, the first thing that your users will see when your application pops up is the icon. A study has shown that an improved icon can up to 560 percent increase your downloads. Your logo must be simple but attractive and user-friendly. They ‘re going to want to click anything on!

How do you know if the application logo is good? Tests A / B. A / B Multiple pages with different logo variations are tested on many ASO platforms to see which ones attract more people and allow more downloads.

App Title

In addition to the logo of your app, the title is the other thing that users can see when they connect first. It must be short, catchy, and essential for users to grasp what the app does and provides at first sight. Enter keywords in the headline with no spammy appearance. Please note that the maximum app titles length allowed is 30 Apple App Store characters (declined from 50 iOS 11 characters) and 50 in the Google Play Store (recently increased from 30 characters).

App Subtitle

In iOS 11, Apple has introduced a short subtitle to your app, which can also be limited to 30 features, to give you a brief description and value proposition of your app. It is evident in the results of the quest as opposed to the actual description. Let it count, then! The area of subtitles is an excellent place for schedules, and even for using your keywords. You can also take guidance from a digital marketing company.

App Description

Your application description is your most significant chance to push all keywords. Don’t give anything keyword. Notice that you are still human, and the definition has to make some sense. Instead of some bunch of keywords stuck next to each other. You should read this definition.

You intend to encourage people to download it in the app description, thus start by emphasizing how your app resolves the problem of your target users. Play with the wording to include the keywords people are looking for to find your app.

App Promotional Text

The promotional or advertising text field, which is limited to approx.170 characters, is another new area of the iOS 11 product page. It is above the description of your app. You may change this at any time without uploading a new version of your application, unlike the definition.

This field is not indexed, so the search results are not affected. It will, however, serve to relay your marketing message, activities, new features, advertisements, discounts, or reductions so that people can access your app. It’s also there to support you.

iOS keywords

Apple allows you to select the keywords which affect your search results most. You have 100 characters, separated by commas, to choose the number of relevant keywords you can, so that every last character counts.

Again, select a balance between popular keywords with high traffic and keywords you can compete for. Review mining, which monitors your competitors and sees what keywords users use most to describe them in review, is a popular way to find the best keywords and use those keywords for you.

App Category

Most people simply find apps through the store, so you must select the right category for your application.

The category now has to be relevant for your application, of course. However, it’s not always necessary to select a group. Consider switching to a different semi-relevant category if there is less competition or if the potential revenues of a different category value the effort. Check various classes before the sweet spot is found.

iOS 8 also introduced sub-categories to qualify for a particular niche highly.

App Previews

don’t forget to add App previews in the Apple App Store and Google Play Store promotional videos are short videos that let you display what your app offers and are an excellent tool to encourage users to download your application. These are optional and do not affect your search detection, but are highly recommended because a good video can raise your conversion rate and download dramatically.

Avoid basic tutorials for the use of the app. Make the video more attractive, emphasize your edge over the competition, and advertise your most compelling features, which may not be apparent with just screenshots. App preview videos are a must for Graphics-heavy apps.

For iOS, you only have to give your message quickly in 15 to 30 seconds of app previews. Android apps will deliver YouTube videos from 30 seconds to two minutes that provide you with more room to play. But please note that if you’re not sure by the first few seconds, users probably won’t see a complete two-minute video.

App Screenshots

Just don’t make your app’s random screenshots. Screenshots are an additional tool to demonstrate what your app has to offer and therefore give them consideration and effort.

Use each screenshot to promote the primary or most valuable feature of your app. Add text to explain clearly the value proposition or what your application will benefit the user. Play with colors and visuals that would make the screenshots pop for your target user.

Go ahead and tell a story with the screenshots, take the user from picture to image, increase his chances to convert and download your application.

App Price

If you have a paid app, the price affects the number of downloads. Many users can want to use a similar application with so many apps out there just because it is free.

To succeed with a paid app, you have to have either a well-known brand or a perfect and specific selling point that will make people pay a few bucks for it.

One challenge is that you may not know how many people are prepared to pay for your device. In this case, A / B testing is once again the best way to test and optimize your pricing by testing various values.

You could get 100 downloads for your two-dollar App and $200, but perhaps if you lowered it to one-dollar, more people would purchase it, and you could get 500 downloads for a total of five hundred dollars. The other way around can be right. Your app may be set at a lower price than people are willing to pay, and you miss a significant profit chance. So until you try, you ‘re never going to know!

In-App Purchases

The App Store generated an estimated revenue of $29 billion in 2016, according to Statista, with games that contribute a considerable portion by pay-in downloads and on-demand purchases. Apple has decided to concentrate on buying in-app products as well as to promote the developer in the new iOS 11 App Store.

Now, by adding display names, descriptions, and promotional images for each one, you can customize in-app purchases. With keyword research and compelling text and images, you will have to optimize all of these details. Up to 20 of them can be advertised on the products page before installing the document, which users can browse and purchase.

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