Types Of Excavator Bucket For The Right Selection

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When it comes to selecting an excavator bucket, the first thing you need to consider is the specific application where you want and the material type you are handling. Typically, you want to find the biggest excavator bucket for your construction job, you need to tell excavator bucket teeth suppliers the material density and the hauler truck size for the right excavator bucket. This is important to know that the excavator bucket weight limits the cycle time, and it becomes heavier when a heavy material is loaded. To avoid slowed down productivity, always use a smaller excavator bucket for higher-density materials.

Different applications require specific types of excavator buckets. For instance, you cannot dig a 16-inch trench with a 30-inch bucket attached to a machine. Moreover, buckets have features and their specifications to handle specific materials types. For instance, rock bucket teeth have a cutting edge of v-shaped. With the high power, these long and sharp teeth are used to break hard rock and also push heavy loads. Another example of a bucket is a digging bucket that is used to handle hard soil.

Types of excavator bucket:

Rock bucket:

  • Larger and shaper bucket teeth, which enforced structural parts to the bucket for adding strength.
  • Designed to use in ripping up or prying up hard rock surfaces.

Digging bucket:

  • Also called tooth bucket
  • For all-purpose, standard attachments common in almost all excavators.
  • The shape of the teeth, bucket width, and depth vary based on surface type.

Hardpan bucket:

  • This is similar to a rock bucket in design and structural reinforce
  • An additional row is attached to ripper teeth, which are mounted with bucket back edge.
  • For compacted soil, while diffing, the extra teeth are used.

V-bottom bucket:

  • Also known as vee-bucket
  • This is angled v-shaped to facilitate penetrating or digging the soil.
  • Ideal for the ditches or trenches excavation in pipe-laying construction jobs.

Skeleton bucket:

  • A modified tooth bucket, construct bars separated by gaps.
  • Allow smaller pieces of product or combined with falling via gaps.
  • The use of finer materials is separated.

Clean-up bucket:

  • The modified type of digging excavator- no rows of teeth
  • Act as a large-capacity utilized for ditching, backfilling, and grading like leveling and losing.
    (Visited 32 times)

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