How to use JavaScript in Web Sites ?

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How to code JavaScript in Web Sites

Everyone likes to use JavaScript in their Web Sites with cool features to attract new online users on their online business websites, personal sites, or blogs. But before we start codding any website or any software code where we will use any additional functionality. Remember one thing. Nothing comes without sacrificing something else. In web designing, to get the cool features, we lose speed. The use of JavaScript in Web Sites can slow down your mobile and desktop website. So don’t use JavaScript when not required.

Web Sites with cool features

Another workaround is to use JavaScript at the end. Because all browsers load top elements first and load JavaScript at the end and make your website faster, so always move JS scripts to the bottom of the page whenever possible. This way, HTML content loads faster. Heavy use of JavaScript in Web Sites can be costly, don’t try to use too many JS scripts. Otherwise, the web page will not load fast, which will be very expensive when you lose online traffic. There is another suggestion to use inline javascript to improve the performance of your web pages.

Tools to test the optimization: There are many ways we can check the errors and get suggestions from the freely available web tools like googles search console, which are kind of a must to have if you are running a Web site and want to optimize it properly and get Web Sites with cool features. Java is used by more than a billion devices worldwide, it’s not a bad language, but we need to learn how to use it to get all the benefits and do our business.

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