Care and Maintenance Tips for your e-Cig

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E-cigarettes are relatively simple devices, although they can be customised in a number of interesting ways. Whilst they aren’t super complicated, they do still require regular maintenance, and following just a few careful steps can really help to prolong their life.

Many people don’t really know how to properly care for or clean their device and don’t get the best experience out of it or find themselves regularly replacing parts.

There’s nothing worse than going to start up your device and realizing that it’s broken or that the battery is dead. A few simple steps that take only a few minutes a week can prevent a lot of e-cig issues.

Read on below for our top tips on cleaning and maintaining your electronic cigarette device.


Proper cleaning

Pretty much every electronic device you own needs some occasional attention and cleaning to prevent issues, especially if they come into regular contact with human hands or your face – mobile phones are said to carry more germs than the average toilet seat!

Electronic cigarettes come into regular contact with your mouth and stick e-liquids, so regular cleaning is a must. Luckily they’re pretty low maintenance and easy to clean. A wipe down with a damp cloth once a week usually suffices, whilst a more thorough clean with a q-tip to prevent gunk build-up might be occasionally required.

You should try and get inside your e-cig regularly to prevent moisture build up and wipe away any excess e-liquid. Gunk build up can burn and damage your coil and e-cig. Pushing dry paper towels through the inside of your device and blowing through it to push out any e-liquid is a great way to ensure that you get all of the gunk out of your device.

A bit of rubbing alcohol will usually get rid of any stubborn gunk build up.

Regular charging

It’s not good for your battery if you regularly run it down until it’s dead, you will end up shortening your battery’s overall life and find yourself needing a replacement sooner. It is a good idea to regularly charge your battery if you notice it beginning to get low or edging below half-charge, then the best course of action is to put it back on charge.

Keeping your battery charged up is the best way to extend the life of your rechargeable batteries and avoid the need for purchasing replacement parts for your electronic cigarette.

Care and storage

Following some basic care and maintenance steps can help to prolong the life of your e-cig. Electronic cigarette devices should not, for example, be left out in the sun for long periods of time; instead, you should always try to keep your e-cig in a cool and dry place.

Getting a protective storage case for your e-cig is a good investment; this will prevent damage when traveling with your device.

E-liquid’s should always be kept in a high place out of reach from children and pets, and users should be careful that it does not come into contact with their eye or skin. If it comes into contact in its pure form or is ingested, then a doctor should be consulted immediately.

Regular use

It is important to use your e-cig regularly for the health of the rechargeable battery. Infrequent use can actually cause trouble with the battery and shorten its life, meaning you will need replacement parts sooner.

It might seem strange, but similar to your car, regular use is important to ensure that all of the parts work the way they are meant to.

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