Reasons Online Reviews Are Essential

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A long time ago, word of mouth was the only marketing strategy available to businesses. If you hear that your neighbor had a bad experience with a local blacksmith, you were more likely to avoid him. Similarly, if you heard great things about that new bakery, you will go out of your way to visit it. Online reviews function on the same principle and are extremely important for small businesses. In 2016, some 90% of all shoppers checked online reviews before making a purchase. That means that nine out of ten of your customers have read an online review about your company. Fortunately for you, they liked what they saw. Unfortunately, you will never know how many of them decided to shop elsewhere because of a bad review they saw.

Good Reviews Drive Sales

If we find evidence that other people agree with our shopping habits, we are far more likely to make it. The phenomenon is called social proof and is one of the main driving forces behind the importance of online reviews. This is especially important for brands that host online reviews on their sites. Emailing your customers after each purchase, asking them to leave a review is a great way of getting reviews. You can motivate them with discounts on their next purchase. Not only are you getting a review, but increase the chances of their return business. By asking them for reviews, you are creating a strong bond between them and your brand.

Increased Trustworthiness

Trustworthiness is a major currency these days, and it doesn’t come automatically, like in the old days. Brands have to earn the trust of their customers. Online reviews can represent a shortcut towards that goal. That is why sites with trusted online casino reviews are doing so well and have hundreds of thousands of visitors. If you are planning on giving your money to an online casino, you want to know how trustworthy it is. These sites provide that information gathered by their users who have experienced it. Their testimonies will be crucial for your decision whether to trust a casino or not.

Increased Visibility

Online reviews can vastly increase your visibility without having to spend a fortune to do so. The more the people talk about you online, the more exposure your brand gets. This will directly translate to improved sales and have a huge impact on your bottom line. Of course, provided that you get positive online reviews. Even search engines like Google and Bing take online reviews into account when calculating search results. The more your brand is mentioned on review sites, the higher it will be positioned on the search page. The reason is that with increased mentions, search engines see your brand as an authority in the given field. They will prioritize your site over others, creating the same impression for their users.


Dealing with Bad Reviews

Bad reviews are not the end of the world. In fact, a properly managed bad review can do wonders for your reputation. If a potential customer comes across a bad review about your company and sees that you have dealt with it reasonably, they will be even more inclined to deal with you. After seeing your response, they will be assured that even if they aren’t 100% satisfied, you will do everything you can to rectify the mistake.  That is why it is important to respond to every bad review, regardless of how pointless it may seem. Try to resolve every issue your customers have with your product or service. In the long term, you will benefit greatly from such behavior.

Online Reviews Provide Important Feedback

Online reviews can prove to be an invaluable source of feedback about your products if you are willing to listen. Not only will you get a quick assessment of the product, but an open line to the customer as well. By responding to their review and asking for more information, if needed, you can get a thorough report. This can be used to make improvements and take measures that such failure doesn’t happen again. Of course, rewarding a customer that reported it can’t go amiss. This creates an image of a responsible company that handles its mistakes, further increasing your reputation.

Many experts claim that online reviews are the best thing that could have happened to small businesses. According to them, they have given them a way to fight back against corporations. Even if you don’t agree with them, you have to admit that online reviews can be a powerful tool. It is up to you to use it to its full potential. Online reviews are here, and they aren’t going anywhere soon. You might as well learn how to live with them.


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